What I Do
If you don't know what you're looking for, send me an email. YOUR goals, YOUR priorities, what's right for YOU...that's what's important to me. I won't push my services on someone I don't believe I can help.
Nutrition Coaching
ReQuest Nutrition coaching is more than just a meal plan and a "good luck." In fact, I don't generally offer meal plans. I believe that you can't change your behavior to food until you address your attitude towards it. So, I work with you to articulate your current attitudes towards food and drink. Then, using action tools and moral support, we realign those attitudes WITH your goals instead of against them, all without giving up the foods you love. Learn More
Personal Training
With over a decade as a NASM-certified personal trainer, my understanding of exercise, muscles, physical discomfort, exercise psychology, body mechanics, and home gym solutions is vast. Read my testimonials for proof. Personal training means that I run your through customized workouts, assuring accountability, a steady hand, and all the motivation you need to live a healthier life and reach a new level of fitness, whether in terms of muscle, body composition, bone density, "energy," or any other metric. Learn More
Fitness and Nutrition Consulting
Do you have questions about fitnes or nutrition that you type into Google and get so many different, contradictory, or complicated responses that you don't know where to start? What if you could ask them all to a seasoned fitness professional with no agenda, no dogmatic bias, and no sales pitch? That's what RQ Consulting is like. For individuals, groups, families, or offices. If knowledge is power, then SIMPLE knowledge is SUPER-power! Learn more